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Increase Your Longevity With These Yoga Asana Exercises

Maintaining your body should be your priority as you get older otherwise, your body will start to become weaker and more prone to diseases. Here are some easy asanas for older women for women above 50

Yoga For Women Above 50

One type of exercise which is suitable for all ages is yoga. Be it for a kid or a woman in their 20s or for women, yoga never disappoints.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Chair poise targets your lower body and the core muscles present in your legs, hips and feet. This is especially a very good workout for women with arthritis, joint pain and leg pain.

Cow Pose

This asana is incredible for back pain relief. It stretches your back muscles especially your lower back. For older women, this is a very easy-to-do workout, does not require any equipment of effort.

Cat Pose

The cat pose improves your posture, relieves pain from back and shoulder muscles, reduces stress, improves flexibility, increases blood circulation and strengthens your core muscles.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This exercise helps stretch your entire body, elongates the spine, strengthens the upper body. increases blood circulation, and relieves stress and tension that builds up in the muscles.

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Bridge pose is a yoga asana as well as Pilates exercise. It is very effective for your lower body and abs and core strength. It targets your glutes, calves and legs.

Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

This yoga asana is designed to improve your posture, tone your arms and legs, improve balance, release stress built up in the shoulders, increases flexibility, relieves body pains and aches and last but not the least, increases your muscular strength.

Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

Practice this asana every day to improve your posture, increase body balance, flexibility, core strength, concentration and patience, and increase muscle strength. This is a very simple asana which helps you relax and feel peaceful along with stimulating your organs.

Adapted from: The Health Site


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