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Kidney - Friendly Diet To Avoid Kidney Disease

March is National Kidney Month, as such, special attention should be paid to chronic kidney disease (CKD), which is one of the world’s leading causes of death. Although kidney disease affects many South Africans, eating a well-balanced diet can help to reduce the chance of developing it.

Co-founder of Newtricion Wellness Dieticians, Omy Naidoo says the food choices you make now could affect your risk of kidney disease at a later stage. However, you can reduce the risk of developing chronic kidney disease if you make the right dietary choices.

An alarming increase in chronic kidney disease has been linked to changes in people's eating habits and lifestyles. According to the National Kidney Foundation, approximately 65 percent of kidney failures in South African adults are related to hypertension.

“Chronic kidney disease can affect anyone at any age, although those with chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension are more likely to develop it than others," says Naidoo.

However, the best way to prevent this chronic illness is to maintain a kidney-friendly eating plan.

Here’s some tips to keep your kidneys healthy:

Ensure you consume the right amount and types of protein

A balanced diet with enough protein is essential to keep your kidneys healthy. Even so, Naidoo advises people to avoid very high-protein diets to protect their kidneys. Over time a very high-protein diet may cause kidney damage, thus, you may need to adjust your protein intake to stay healthy. A usual estimate is double your body weight and that should be the maximum of protein to take in, as an example a 70kg patient should take a max of 140g protein per day. Important to note 200g Steak contains approximately 50g protein.

Keep your body hydrated

Make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Your kidneys require this to function properly. Taking a lot of water can help reduce the chances of kidney stones and chronic kidney disease. Hydration is crucial for healthy kidneys.

Eat less salty food

It is essential to limit your salt intake. If you follow a diet that contains salty food, your body can increase the amount of water it holds on to, which can lead to the elevation of blood pressure. You can damage your kidneys if you consume too much salty food but eliminating it from your diet can dramatically improve kidney health. Try using herbs, spices, garlic, ginger, and other non-salt containing items to flavour your food.

Consume whole grain carbohydrates

It is recommended to stick to a diet rich in whole grains and healthy carbohydrates such as vegetables and fruits to avoid kidney disease and any related health problems. As such, you can maintain good kidney health by increasing your intake of healthy food. Having more fibre in your diet from these foods will help you maintain a good body weight as well good sugar levels, both linked to healthier kidneys.

“The diet you consume can play a vital role in helping you prevent or manage kidney disease. It is imperative to keep your kidneys healthy for the overall well-being of your body because maintaining and improving a healthy kidney requires dedication,” concludes Naidoo.


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