As a mom myself who struggled to breastfeed her son, due to the fact that he had a high demand I could not meet, my only option was formula milk of which was not my desired option as I wanted the best for my son. We researched natural stimulators that would assist not only as a first-time mom like myself who was struggling to feed her baby, but all mothers who faced the same struggle.
We, at Milk Galore, understand and have a heart for both the mom and the newly born. We wanted a solution that would be convenient, cost-effective, and efficient for the moms as the first couple of months are the toughest when the little one is introduced into the world. So, through personal experience of the hardship of breastfeeding, our wish was to lessen the pressure on both the mom and the baby, to ensure the struggle is somehow minimal. So that mom does not feel alone but has a companion.
We wanted the breastfeeding experience to be a joyous occasion. The natural instinct and incredible feeling when a mom breastfeeds is a precious gift a mom can give her baby. Our desire is to ensure that all mothers have that privilege of sharing that gift with their newly-born.